The 4 fundamentals of a great training space.

We believe there are 4 key fundamentals to consider when creating a great training facility for your clients/staff – acoustics, audio visual, furniture and lighting.
Good acoustics in training spaces are critical to ensure that speech/video content etc. is clear and easy to understand for all present. It’s obvious to say that audio quality is a critical part of any AV installation within a training space. If the room acoustics are poor then the audio quality, especially for those listening in remotely, will be poor. There are a few ways that training spaces can be acoustically treated and these are split into two different categories – sound masking and sound absorption. A few examples of solutions within each category are as follows:
Sound Masking: White noise, soundproof drywall, soundproof curtains.
Sound Absorption: Acoustic ceiling tiles, hanging baffles, acoustic partitions, acoustic foam.
Audio Visual (AV)
The right training room technology enables the seamless connection between all parties. Not only does it enable relationship building on a deeper level than audio alone, it also increases training effectiveness.
To maximise the impact of the training delivered and boost your efficiency, there are a few key pieces of training room audio visual technology critical to success. These include elements to consider as follows: visual displays, audio and video conferencing tech, quality microphones and speakers, quality camera, easy-to-use comprehensive control panel, interactive whiteboard and room booking tech.
When selecting furniture for a great training space, it’s important to consider 4 key factors – aesthetics, ergonomics, flexibility, and functionality.
-Aesthetics – the furniture design/style/colours/finishes.
-Ergonomics – the furniture features that ensure the users body is kept in a safe, upright and comfortable position so that good posture reduces the chance of any sort of body pain, discomfort, stress or injury.
-Flexibility – the furniture features that allow them to used in multiple configurations and applications as well as be easily stacked, folded away etc.
-Functionality – what the purpose/task/application the furniture is intended for.
Lighting is a very important feature of any training space and it should never be overlooked. It is important that the lighting aids productivity and focus, but also is flexible to adapt to different situations, e.g. when presenting on screen the main lights can be programmed or manually dimmed to allow clearer focus on the screen. Gone are the days of conventional lighting systems, today LED lights are the preferred lighting solutions for illuminating training spaces – providing both much more effective lighting increasing productivity and boosting employee wellbeing but also being much more energy efficient – saving money in the long run. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered when thinking about lighting for the training space including the light intensity, fixture type, positioning of fixtures, flexibility in terms of control, style/design and lighting colour etc you are looking for.